Our Curriculum
The curriculum is drawn from The Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics, History and Science and the Queensland Studies Authority core learning outcomes for Years 1-10 and the Essential Learnings for the remaining key learning areas. Students are engaged in meaningful, stimulating learning designed to cater for their diverse needs, with integrated, well planned programs designed by year level teams in consultation with specialist teachers. Compelling contexts and purpose of learning are interwoven with current best practice about how students learn.
The English curriculum is organised into three inter-related strands - Language, Literature and Literacy. Within the strands, the processes of speaking and listening, reading, viewing and writing are represented and language elements such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary are developmentally sequenced.
Mathematics is arranged in three strands – Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Core skills and conceptual knowledge are embedded within each strand and are sequentially developed throughout each year level. Students think, reason and work mathematically as they plan, investigate, think critically, communicate and reflect on mathematical understandings and procedures. At each year level, strategies are in place to ensure that each student is developmentally supported and challenged.
Science is part of the human quest for understanding and wisdom and reflects human wonder about the world. This subject is organised into strands – Science Understanding which consists of Biological sciences, Chemical sciences, Earth and space sciences and Physical sciences, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills. Learning Science involves students and teachers working together to construct new understandings and compare their current ideas with those of the scientific community.
Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE)
The Australian Curriculum for Humanities and Social Sciences aims to ensure that students develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and systems throughout the world, past and present, and an interest in and enjoyment of the study of these phenomena. Key historical, geographical, civic and economic knowledge of people, places, values and systems, past and present, in local to global contexts. An understanding and appreciation of historical developments, geographic phenomena, civic values and economic factors that shape society, influence sustainability and create a sense of belonging. The capacity to use inquiry methods and skills, including questioning, researching using reliable sources, analysing, evaluating and communicating. Dispositions required for effective participation in everyday life, now and in the future, including critical and creative problem-solving, informed decision making, responsible and active citizenship, enterprising financial behaviour and ethical reflection.
Health and Physical Education (HPE)
HPE provides a foundation for developing active and informed members of society who pursue good health. The strands of Promoting the Health of Individuals and Communities, Physical Activity and Personal Development offer students opportunities to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for making informed decisions.
Our Health and Physical Education specialist teacher teaches a program to develop specific movement skills as well as allowing students to participate in a range of physical activities.
Personal Development and Health lessons are conducted by the classroom teacher and at times, the specialist teacher.
Languages Other than English
In the Primary School, Chinese is taught to Year 5 and 6 students by a specialist teacher for two lessons each week.
The Technology key learning area has a strong foundation in the Primary School. It draws on traditions in early childhood education and builds on programs and approaches that emphasise thinking skills and problem solving. Students employ the actions of investigating, creating new ideas, producing and evaluating as they design and develop products.
The Information Technology curriculum entails a scope and sequence of specific skills which developmentally accumulate as students’ progress through the school. In addition, tools of technology including computers, digital cameras and digital microscopes, interactive whiteboards and specific software programs enhance the learning experiences of all students.
The Arts
Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance make up The Arts program in our school. Specialist Music teachers deliver class lessons for all Preparatory to Year 6 classes. Additionally, Instrumental Music specialists deliver an instrumental program to students from Year 3- 6 in Strings and Year 4 – 6 with all other instruments.
Visual Arts, Drama and Dance are incorporated in integrated units of work across all year levels. Yearly signature events which showcase The Arts curriculum include the ‘Twilight Concert’, ‘Wakakirri’ and our infamous ‘Spectacular’ that includes students from Prep right through to Year 6.
Religion classes are delivered by volunteers each week in Year 1 through to Year 6. These classes are cross-denominational. Parents may request in writing that their children be excused from attending these classes.